Applies to: Version 5.0, Version 4.0
PastPerfect Query screens allow you to select a specific condition to build your filter statement. Below are explanations for each of the condition options. Please note that some of these conditions may not be available for every field.
Condition | Description |
Begins with | Searches the first word that appears in a field |
Contains exact match | Searches for exact matches of the term or phrase entered |
Contains text | Searches for the term in the entire field |
Greater than* | Searches for values or dates greater than what is entered |
Greater than or equal to* | Searches for values or dates that match or are greater than what is entered |
Less than* | Searches for values or dates less than what is entered |
Less than or equal to* | Searches for values or dates that match or are less than what is entered |
Is empty | Searches for records that have no value in the chosen field |
Is not empty | Searches for records that have a value in the chosen field |
Is within list | Searches for multiple values – values must be separated by a space |
Does not contain text | Excludes records with the term or phrase entered |
Equals | Searches for entries that equal a specific amount or date |
True | Searches for entries that have a specific checkbox checked (such as Deceased) |
False | Searches for entries that have a specific checkbox unchecked (such as Deceased) |
*Greater than or Less than fields may search dates and values, but may also be used for alphabetic sorting in a field.