Applies to: Web Edition
PastPerfect Web Edition allows you to establish Roles within your software that can be assigned to your user accounts. This will prevent selected users from accessing certain program areas and from completing certain tasks, such as deleting or modifying records.
Roles should be assigned to users at the time their user account is added. If you are adding new users who should have restrictions, you will want to add Roles with the appropriate restrictions first.
Steps to set up Roles and Restrictions:
- From the Navigation Bar, select Settings, then click on "Roles & Restrictions."
- Click "New Role."
- Type the name of the Role and an optional description.
- Click "Save."
- Click the Role name to see the list of available restrictions.
- Click "Edit."
- Place a check next to the areas/functions that users with this Role should NOT have access.
- See the Role Restrictions User Guide topic for a list of brief descriptions for each restriction.
- Click "Save" when you have completed your selections.
See the attached files for a planning worksheet and a sample of a completed worksheet.