Applies to: Web Edition
When you make a contact a new member, that contact is automatically the Primary Member for the membership. As the Primary Member, this contact should receive membership communications, including renewal notices. When you join a contact to an existing membership, the contact is considered a Joint Member. This contact will be listed under Other Contacts Included in the Membership on the Primary Member's record.
- Go to the Contact record of the person who is currently the Primary Member.
- Click "Edit" at the top of the record.
- Click on the "Membership" accordion to expand it.
- In the Other Contacts included in the Membership section, click "Change Primary Member".
- The window that opens will list the other contacts included in the membership. Select the contact who should be the new Primary Member by clicking on their name.
- Click "Yes" to confirm you want to make that contact the new Primary Member.
- The new Primary Member will now be listed in the Included in another Membership field.
- Click "Save" at the top of the record.
If you go to the new Primary Member's contact record, you will see the old Primary Member is now listed under the Other Contacts included in the Membership section on the Membership accordion. Additionally, the dues payments will now display on the new Primary Member's contact record.