Applies to: Web Edition
PastPerfect Web Edition's Query screens are key to finding and accessing your records. The Filter function of the Query screens allows you to search a field or combination of fields to narrow the list of records displayed in the Browse grid. Filters are built by selecting a field, condition, and value. You can create simple filters using one field, one condition, and one value.
- On the Query screen, expand the Filter accordion by clicking on "Filter".
- Click "Add Filter".
- Select a Field from the drop-down menu on the left.
- You can customize which fields are available for creating filters in Settings. See related article.
- Select a Condition using the middle drop-down menu.
- Type the value you want to search for into the field on the right.
- If you are using the Is or Is Not Condition with a field that has an authority file, begin by typing the term you are looking for, and then select the term from the list.
- Click "Apply".
- The Browse grid will display the records that match your filter.
To further refine your results, you can build compound queries using multiple filters connected by AND or OR. If you use OR, at least one of the filters must be true to return results. Using OR gives you a broader range of records and therefore a higher number of results. If you use AND, both (or all connecting) filters must be true to return results. Using AND makes your search more specific, which can narrow the resulting number of results.
- Once you have a filter with one Field, one Condition and one Value, click "Add Filter" above the Field drop-down menu.
- Choose the connector: "and" or "or".
- Select your second Field from the left drop-down menu.
- Select a Condition from the middle drop-down menu.
- Enter text or select an authority file term into the field on the right.
- If you want to add another filter using the same connector, click "Add Filter" and repeat steps 2-5.
- Click "Apply".
Example of a compound query using OR
Example of a compound query using AND
The above filters use a single connector. Depending on your query, you may need to combine ANDs and ORs in a more complex query. To use both connectors in your query, you will need to use the Group feature. The filters within each group are handled before the groups are connected (similar to a math equation).
Here is an example of a more complex query. You want to find either glass plate negatives OR photographic prints from the Hanley Family Collection that are from World War I. Since this collection has materials from both World War I and World War II, you want to narrow your results to just the World War I items. The photos need to be in the Hanley Family Collection AND have the Search Term "World War I".